How is Sass different from Less?
Sass and Less provide mostly the same functionality. So don't sweat it.
Although CSS has powerful features there has always been a desire to add functionality. This is the role that Sass/Less had provided for the past decade.
The Core of Sass/Less is:
1) A Superset of CSS
2) A preprocessor that compiles to CSS
LESS - version 3.9.0
- Dart Sass version - 1.21.0
- LibSass version - 3.6.0
- Ruby Sass - No longer supported
Variables - imperative, default values, block scoped, advanced variable functions.
@import extends the CSS at-rule to load styles, mixins, functions, and variables from other stylesheets.
@mixin and @include makes it easy re-use chunks of styles.
@function defines custom functions that can be used in SassScript expressions.
@extend allows selectors to inherit styles from one another.
@at-root puts styles within it at the root of the CSS document.
@error causes compilation to fail with an error message.
@warn prints a warning without stopping compilation entirely.
@debug prints a message for debugging purposes.
Flow control rules like @if, @each, @for, and @while control whether or how many times styles are emitted.
Value Types:
Numbers, strings, colors, list of values, boolean, null, maps/objects/hash, function references.
Equality, relational, numeric, string, boolean.
Build-in and user defined functions.
Variables - variable variables, lazy evaluation, properties as variables, default values.
Parent Selectors
@import extends the CSS at-rule to load styles, mixins, functions, and variables from other stylesheets.
@mixin and @include makes it easy re-use chunks of styles.
@function defines custom functions that can be used in SassScript expressions.
@extend allows selectors to inherit styles from one another.
@at-root puts styles within it at the root of the CSS document.
@error causes compilation to fail with an error message.
@warn prints a warning without stopping compilation entirely.
@debug prints a message for debugging purposes.
Flow control rules like @if, @each, @for, and @while control whether or how many times styles are emitted.
Value Types:
Numbers, strings, colors, list of values, boolean, null, maps/objects/hash, function references.
Equality, relational, numeric, string, boolean.
Build-in and user defined functions.